Our Latest Perspectives

NFT marketplace development
Having covered aspects of Decoding NFT - The pulse of digital assets in part 1 and The future of Non-Fungible Tokens: 2021 and beyond in Part 3, we now look at A detailed guide on NFT Marketplace…
January 14, 2022
Decoding NFT
Non-fungible tokens or NFTs reflect a paradigm shift in the digital era where we are still early in the adoption curve of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. However, in a brief span of time, NFTs have…
December 09, 2021
Digital Transformation Trends 2021 in Media & Entertainment
Although the media and entertainment industry has been proactive in preparing itself for tomorrow’s digital shifts since time immemorial, the COVID-19 pandemic’s onset has further reaffirmed its…
December 10, 2020
Phygital Banking
“The believers of digital-only banking are changing their minds. They have eventually realised that neither digital nor branch banking alone stands tall to the customer experience (CX) parameters and…
February 14, 2020
Posted by Kellton
Top 10 Technology Trends
“The top technology trends in 2020 will help enterprises build futuristic business models.”  Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G are the two technologies that will disrupt businesses in 2020. These…
January 29, 2020
Posted by Shiv Daftari