Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - Benefits of Workflow Automation in the Oil and Gas Industry
The ground realities are changing rapidly for the oil and gas industry, which has traditionally been susceptible to the highs and lows of economic and commodity price cycles. As 2020 draws to a close…
December 22, 2020
Thumbnail - Understanding the Key Components of Web Control Room in Automation Anywhere Platform: A Complete Overview
An early manifesto of automation includes simple tasks with creating macros and commands that could be saved and recalled with a keystroke, where macros relieve the resources from repetitive tasks.…
September 23, 2020
Posted by Kellton
Thumbnail - Automation Anywhere for RPA: Things You Should Know to Master Disruptive Performance
Automation is one of the fundamental disruptive technology forces that drives success and growth in the contemporary business environment. Perhaps this is why RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is one…
September 04, 2020
Posted by Kellton
Intelligent Enterprise in Finance
As disruption threatens business norms, financial leaders and CFOs recognize the need to transform finance into a proactive, forward-looking function. They understand the increasing importance of…
February 10, 2020
Posted by Kellton
Technology Trends that Enterprise
“Blockchain is gaining traction among businesses worldwide; mobile screen interactions are expected to be gradually replaced by AI-enabled conversational interfaces; enterprises are exploring use…
March 18, 2019