Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - Open source DevOps monitoring tools
Robust monitoring capabilities are critical to building a highly integrated and outcome-oriented DevOps process. As more and more IT organizations across industries are imbibing the DevOps spirit…
October 26, 2023
 NFT revolution with our all-in-one marketplace platform
The popularity of NFT marketplaces has seemingly exploded.  Companies are increasingly attracted to the promise of NFT marketplaces for how they fuel the culture of decentralized finance with…
July 26, 2023
ReactJS development
Imagine you’re working on an important project. You’ve done your best, but there’s still work to do. And the deadline is looming over your head.   But a colleague comes up and offers to help. You…
July 12, 2023
Thumbnail - Comparing cloud provider security
Keeping a strong eye on cloud security is vital to long-term success and business growth. According to research by one leading IT security firm, 80% of organizations store sensitive data in the…
June 30, 2023
Posted by Vijay Prakash
On premise data centers
Migration to the cloud has been rapidly picking up pace over the past few years.  A 2023 survey by Microsoft suggests that 82% of organizations view cloud migration as a key driver of digital…
June 26, 2023
Posted by Suraj Kumar