Our Latest Perspectives

Technology Trends that Enterprise
“Blockchain is gaining traction among businesses worldwide; mobile screen interactions are expected to be gradually replaced by AI-enabled conversational interfaces; enterprises are exploring use…
March 18, 2019
5 Technology Trends Shaping the Future of Travel
“Digitisation spurs continuous innovations and disruptions in the travel industry. It has not only eased the way travel companies do business but has also attracted tech-savvy travellers. Today,…
November 16, 2018
Posted by Kellton
Blockchain Technology and Smart Card
Imagine the following conversation between a business leader and an IT expert: Business Leader: “We are inundated with information from a diverse set of blockchain applications—crypto currencies,…
May 09, 2018
Thumbnail - Blockchain—A Disruptive Force in the Wealth Management Industry
Wealth management industry is one of the slowest industries to adopt smart technologies and Blockchain technology is no exception. Blockchain enables wealth managers to identify and recommend…
March 21, 2018
Posted by Kellton
Virtual Reality: A Change in the Way We Look At Things
Did you ever think that the mobile phone that has become a part and parcel of your life was once rubbished away as something of no importance? Just like everything that makes it big in the world,…
February 25, 2018
Posted by Kellton