Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - Smarter, effortless Audits with Advanced Business Intelligence
Elevate your audit processes with Audit.io, the ultimate compliance and digital audit software. Experience smarter, effortless audits through advanced business intelligence, maximizing productivity…
August 06, 2024
Posted by Kellton
Thumbnail - Drive performance across teams & locations with Tasks.io
Unleash the full potential of your teams with Tasks.io, a powerful tool designed to drive performance across all locations. Automate, schedule, and manage tasks effortlessly to transform…
August 05, 2024
Posted by Kellton
Product-led growth (PLG) Thumbnail
As customers, we hate it when we are constantly bombarded with sales/marketing messages and calls. In this age and era, the customer is the protagonist. And to succeed and make the customer fall…
December 18, 2023
Posted by Amit Shrivastav
product requirements
In today’s experience-driven economy, successful businesses constantly innovate and release products that exceed the expectations of their customers. As a result, product managers are often tasked…
January 30, 2023
Posted by Amit Shrivastav
stakeholder mapping
Product managers understand the value that great products create for their organizations. To outshine the competition, product leaders embrace innovative methodologies and technologies to identify…
December 28, 2022
Posted by Amit Shrivastav