Our Latest Perspectives

Engineering accelerates DevOps
Platform engineering is emerging as a potential next step in the DevOps evolution journey. DevOps has been a game-changer for many companies as it focuses on balancing a synergy between software…
September 10 , 2024
Posted by Suraj Kumar
Migration of Data to AWS cloud
Data has emerged as a cornerstone of competitive advantage, driving innovation, informing strategic decisions, and fueling business growth. As organizations strive to harness the power of data to…
July 15 , 2024
Posted by Silin Na
The ultimate guide to serverless and containers
Serverless computing and containers have been around for a good number of years. As a matter of fact, the first such offering in the domain of serverless had come from Google when it introduced…
July 09 , 2024
Posted by Suraj Kumar
How DevSecOps Pipeline is transforming security posture in software delivery?
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and dependent on digital innovations, it is no surprise cybercrime is experiencing a surge. According to a Cybersecurity Ventures report, the total…
June 24 , 2024
Posted by Vijay Prakash
CIOs top priorities in 2024
Although GenAI may be the latest focus of the senior leadership across all forward-looking organizations, CIOs must not lose sight of the key fundamentals such as Cybersecurity and Sustainability…
June 10 , 2024
Posted by Vijay Prakash