Our Latest Perspectives

Why Most of the Big Data Initiatives in Organizations Fail?
A huge amount of data is floating around us; information related to business, our customers, their transactions, click stream, server logs etc. But do you know what to do with it? Is there something…
August 26 , 2016
Why Most of the Big Data Initiatives in Organizations Fail?
A huge amount of data is floating around us; information related to business, our customers, their transactions, click stream, server logs etc. But do you know what to do with it? Is there something…
August 26 , 2016
Develop Travel Portals That Attract More Tourists
Travel companies across the world, are mobilizing innovative, cost-effective solutions to explore technological approach to market their products or services. Travel portal development is a buzzword…
August 22 , 2016
Posted by Kellton
Enterprise Applications With Java EE
The acronym J2EE stands for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. The software platform supports mainframe-level computing of big enterprises. Companies like IBM have designed J2EE for simpler…
July 29 , 2016
Posted by Kellton
Business Efficiency With Machine Learning
Want to go global? Machine learning helps in improving business operations and enhances business scalability for global enterprises. Surfing the Internet...reading online weather reports…using…
July 22 , 2016