Our Latest Perspectives

How to Deliver a Successful eGovernance Project
The objective of e-Governance is to include ICT initiatives in the existing or upcoming schemes of the government so that the citizens are involved in the decision-making process, making the system…
August 25 , 2017
Thumbnail - Automated Controls for Application Development on the PHP Platform
Phalcon, a high-performance web framework developed on PHP, is based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. This framework has its own benefits and limitations. While using Phalcon, developers…
August 23 , 2017
Posted by Kellton
Thumbnail - Automate Excel Operations: Your Business Needs It Right Away!
.NET developers face challenges in implementing data validation logic on excel as the process is time-consuming. The introduction of the module ‘Generic Excel Operation’ has helped us in resolving…
August 17 , 2017
Posted by Kellton
How to Secure your Website from Clickjacking
The recent ransomware attack has raised discussions around “click-jacking.” Clickjacking, also known as UI redress attack, tricks users by engaging them in fraudulent purchases. Hackers steal…
August 03 , 2017
Posted by Kellton
Thumbnail - Chatbots Revolutionizing the Digital Playing Field - They Are Here To Stay
Chatbots are the latest technology trend driving modern businesses. Industry experts believe that 80% of the enterprises are already using or want to implement chatbots by 2020. But, why this hype?…
July 29 , 2017
Posted by Karanjit Singh