Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - Divulging Potentials of Google’s Android Things IoT Platform
At a time, when businesses across the world are busy finding the Internet of Things (IoT) uses cases, search engine giant Google has created Android Things, that helps build smart homes and smart…
April 05 , 2019
Posted by Neeraj Sharma
Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft Dynamics CRM was replaced by Microsoft Dynamics 365 in November 2016 for improving customer engagement. Dynamics 365 is the go-to platform for enterprises looking for access to latest…
March 29 , 2019
Posted by Kellton
Intelligent Enterprises
Enterprises that are effectively letting go of their traditional business processes and innovating proactively have earned a prefix. They have come to be known as ‘intelligent enterprises,’ as per…
March 27 , 2019
Posted by Kellton
10 Tips for iOS 11 Mobile App Development
Mobile platforms boomed in the last five years. It has not just transformed the way sales and marketing functions but has also impacted the strategy of the organization as a whole. Potential…
March 27 , 2019
Technology Trends that Enterprise
“Blockchain is gaining traction among businesses worldwide; mobile screen interactions are expected to be gradually replaced by AI-enabled conversational interfaces; enterprises are exploring use…
March 18 , 2019