Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - Media is Embracing Content Personalization, But Where Does it Go Wrong?
Content Personalization in Media is the key to engaging customers. It’s difficult to believe how and when we came a long way ahead from the cord-cutting era and how our consumption patterns changed…
July 18 , 2019
ESB Evaluation
There is a notion catching up in the business circuit lately. Understood as a generational change fueled by Digital Transformation, it’s hugely conjectured that APIs and Microservices are usurping …
June 26 , 2019
Posted by Kellton
Role of EDI: Myths and Facts Demystified
Born in the second era of Information Technology, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is playing an incremental role in the age of Digital Transformation. At a time, when API (Application Programming…
June 25 , 2019
Posted by Kellton
Thumbnail - API Security Design Patterns: Protect Your APIs
Leaky Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have harmed a number of businesses, including Google and Amazon, in terms of trust, data, and reputation. As more and more enterprises seek a digital…
June 04 , 2019
The Rise of FinTech in Asset Management
According to Deloitte’s 2019 Investment Management Outlook, “Many investment management firms are planning for the potential disruption caused by new technology-based entrants. These disruptors shake…
May 29 , 2019
Posted by Kellton