Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - 7 Web Development Trends that will dominate the Industry in 2020
Your enterprise website creates the first impression of your business with your potential customers. An aesthetically designed and responsive website is what every business desires. It is, therefore…
March 07 , 2020
DevOps Engineer
This blog was initially published on www.tivix.com (a subsidiary of Kellton). As a result of a merger of Kellton and Tivix all the content hosted at tivix.com has been merged with www.kellton.com.…
February 25 , 2020
Posted by Kellton
Phygital Banking
“The believers of digital-only banking are changing their minds. They have eventually realised that neither digital nor branch banking alone stands tall to the customer experience (CX) parameters and…
February 14 , 2020
Posted by Kellton
Intelligent Enterprise in Finance
As disruption threatens business norms, financial leaders and CFOs recognize the need to transform finance into a proactive, forward-looking function. They understand the increasing importance of…
February 10 , 2020
Posted by Kellton
Ruby on Rails
This blog was initially published on www.tivix.com(a subsidiary of Kellton). As a result of a merger of Kellton and Tivix all the content hosted at tivix.com has been merged with www.kellton.com.…
February 04 , 2020
Posted by Kellton