Our Latest Perspectives

Thumbnail - Designing a Health App: The UX Process
This blog was initially published on www.tivix.com(a subsidiary of Kellton). As a result of a merger of Kellton and Tivix all the content hosted at tivix.com has been merged with www.kellton.com.…
June 24 , 2020
Posted by Kellton
Thumbnail - 10 Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing
Software development outsourcing has thrived on the premise that it leads to significant reduction in operational costs for the same work that has been done in-house since time immemorial. However,…
June 24 , 2020
How to become a JavaScript Genius
“Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other.”…
June 19 , 2020
Posted by Kellton
Outsourcing Software Development
COVID-19 is a global humanitarian challenge of massive scale that threatens people, communities, and businesses that are scrambling to protect their employees, customers, supply chains, and financial…
May 26 , 2020
Posted by Shiv Daftari
How Cloud Computing Throws A Lifeline To Businesses
“With work, education, fun, and entertainment having gone remote due to the COVID-19-driven crisis, businesses and governments are approaching cloud computing services providers to manage the sudden…
May 22 , 2020
Posted by Vijay Prakash