Our Latest Perspectives

Angular Performance Optimization
“An efficient frontend platform complements your business’ success in the digital age, and learning angular optimization techniques empowers your applications to deliver robust and responsive…
March 21 , 2022
Posted by Kapil Juneja
Thumbnail - How will we inspire more holistic, value-driven customer experiences with ONE KELLTON
There is nothing new about business realignments. In fact, most companies are always aligning themselves better to achieve the rigor and scale needed for growth. However, growth wasn’t our only…
March 16 , 2022
Posted by Kellton
IoT Protocols And Standards
At a time, when the number of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices is continuously increasing, cases of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are also being witnessed at frequent intervals. Do you…
March 15 , 2022
Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing
Software development outsourcing has thrived on the premise that it leads to a significant reduction in operational costs for the same work that has been done in-house since time immemorial. However…
February 24 , 2022
Thumbnail - 5 Ecommerce personalization strategies to boost customer engagement and sales
A survey of 1,000 US adults by Epsilon and GBH Insights found that most respondents (80 percent) want personalization from retailers. Personalized experiences lead to better customer engagement and…
February 14 , 2022