Our Latest Perspectives

‎What is a SOC
According to an estimate, cybercrime will cost companies an estimated $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion in 2015. These staggering numbers paint a dismal picture.  In a world where…
May 23 , 2024
Posted by Suraj Kumar
Software development Thumbnail
Infrastructure is the bedrock in the cloud computing landscape on which modern software applications thrive. It is the game-changer behind the background, acting as an in-charge for the smooth…
May 22 , 2024
What Is AMS?
Like machines need upkeep, applications need ongoing management and optimization to deliver peak performance.  Application Management Services, or AMS, is an umbrella term for an array of services…
May 16 , 2024
Posted by Amit Sharma
Blueprint for Cybersecurity excellence
The unprecedented rise in digital innovation and adoption has led to a sharp rise in something very undesirable - cybersecurity threats. Cybercrime is expected to cost companies worldwide an…
March 19 , 2024
SaaS Trends 2024
The Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, sector is evolving rapidly, and 2024 looks to be a year of many firsts in terms of value and innovation. A line-up of SaaS Trends continues to rally ahead,…
March 15 , 2024